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St Canice's Girls' National School, Finglas, Dublin 11

The Home School Community Liaison Officer


Our Home School Community Liaison Officer (HSCL) is Anthony Gaffney. He is based in St. Canice’s BNS. The post is shared between the two schools - St Canice's BNS and St Canice's GNS. His role is to link with parents within the school community. He organises parenting classes, signposts therapeutic supports for parents and children and works with parents to ensure the best educational outcome is achieved for their children.

If you would like to hear about possible supports for you or your child please use the details below to contact him.

Phone: 0851144255 Email:

31st May 2024
Last Friday (24/05/24) the 1st class girls and their parents / guardians painted...
2nd May 2023
Thank you to Ms Mulvey and all the parents who came in to play board games with the...
2nd May 2023
Thank you to everyone who came to the Wellness Fair in Erin's Isle last Wednesday...