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St Canice's Girls' National School, Finglas, Dublin 11

News - Ms Moran

1st Jul 2024
We had an amazing trip to Newgrange farm last week. We got to pet lots of animals,...
20th Jun 2024
Over the past few weeks, we invited our Mums, Dads and some Nannie’s in to...
20th May 2024
Junior Infants in Room 2, 4 and 6 have been learning all about People Who Help Us...
13th Feb 2024
We had some delicious treats in our class over the past week. We had been reading...
13th Feb 2024
As a reward for filling up our Sweetie Jar, we recently brought in our favourite...
13th Feb 2024
Our Buddy Readers from 3rd class have been taking care of some eggs  in their...
21st Dec 2023
Here are some lovely pictures of us over the past four months. We have had so much...
20th Nov 2023
In room 6, we listened to the story 'The Princess and the Pea'. In the story, the...
8th Sep 2023
Yesterday, we went to the playground for the first time as a reward for getting lots...
8th Sep 2023
Here are a few photographs from our first week at school. We had so much fun playing...