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St Canice's Girls' National School, Finglas, Dublin 11

News - Ms Moran

2021/2022 School Year

5th Jul 2022
We were so lucky to do lots of fun things for our last month in Junior Infants. We...
28th Jun 2022
We had a fantastic school tour to Newgrange farm. We got to hold a chick, feed the...
9th Jun 2022
A few weeks ago, we were learning all about capacity and floating and sinking. It...
9th Jun 2022
Last Wednesday, we attending a drumming workshop. It was so much fun!!  We...
8th Jun 2022
Each Friday morning in May, we had some Mammies and Daddies join our class to help...
15th Mar 2022
Today we dressed up in green, white and orange for St. Patrick's Day and danced in...
15th Mar 2022
We read the story Oliver's Fruit Salad and had great fun tasting all the fruit from...
6th Mar 2022
We all dressed up as character from our favourite books for World Book Day. We had...
10th Dec 2021
We dressed up in our Christmas jumpers today all in aid of Crosscare Charity. 
10th Dec 2021
Over the past month or so, we have been learning all about the Restaurant. We even...